• "China-Europe ties are developing smoothly in general ... This visit will inject new energy into the long-term stable development of China-Europe ties and will be a milestone for relations," Wang said. Trade between China and the European Union reached $559 billion in 2013, according to Chinese statistics. The EU has been China's largest trade partner for 10 years, and China has been the second-largest trade partner of the 28-member bloc for 11 years. In the Netherlands, Xi is expected to sign cooperative agreements in agriculture, energy, finance and culture and is slated to meet with King Willem-Alexander and Prime Minister Mark Rutte, Wang said. In France, Xi will meet President Francois Hollande and Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault and sign agreements to boost China-France cooperation in energy, aerospace, urbanization, agriculture and finance.

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  • Who in technology do you admire most? Why?


    Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos. 


    They're all entrepreneurs who play by their own rules. 


    For Jobs, it's his vision and true emphasis on design. For Branson, creativity and wildness.


     For Bezos, it's building for the long term and being unapologetic about it; that idea is very freeing for entrepreneurs who are trying to build their own business. As a marketer, I also admire Hugh Hefner.


     He's created his own reality. He saw something that he wanted to build and marketed it like no one else could. I feel the same way about Goldbely.

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    Diminuer geijlsngi15 l'usage des deux-roues


      Cet abaissement d'un an permettrait aussi d'atteindre plus facilement la barre des 3500 kilomètres nécessaires pour pouvoir se présenter à l'examen du permis, après avoir pratiqué la conduite accompagné.


    Avec cette mesure, l'usage des deux-roues (de moins de 50 cm³),


     dont la conduite est autorisée à partir de 14 ans, 


    pourrait être limitée.


     En 2012, d'après la délégation à la sécurité et à la circulation routière, 


    40% des morts entre 15 et 17 ans conduisaient un vélomoteur.

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