• 1. Improves your mental abilities

    Drinking more water and keeping the body well hydrated have shown to help people to improve their cognitive abilities and mental functioning. On the other hand, dehydration reduces the brain’s capacity for short term memory.


    2. Improves physical performance

    There is a huge amount of evidence to suggest that dehydration and poor water intake are associated with decreased muscle performance and athletic abilities. Good water intake helps increase the physical performance by helping the heart pump better, as it keeps the blood more fluid and increases oxygen transport to the muscles. Furthermore, good water intake also helps to keep the body cool, and the muscles and joints work more efficiently. Not only can athletes use this to their benefit—drinking more water also keeps you energetic and feel less fatigued throughout your stressful day at work.


    3. Helps expel toxins

    Drinking an adequate amount of water helps to remove water soluble toxins from the body by sweat and through the kidneys. Water flushes your system and cleanses the body clean of certain toxic waste products that tend to build up in tissues and organs.


    4. Helps lose weight

    You read that correctly! Drinking more water can help you lose those extra pounds. Some studies have shown that people who increased their water intake while dieting lost more weight that those who kept to minimum levels. Drinking more water helps to delay the feeling of hunger, so the next time you feel hungry and find yourself reaching for junk food, drink water instead. As water fills the stomach, it tends to allay the sense of hunger, so the net calorie consumption is decreased. Furthermore, water also increases the body’s metabolism. And of course, drinking water instead of cola when you feel thirsty is definitely going to cut those extra unhealthy calories.

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