• 1. Analyze your learning style.

    Before you can start experimenting with different studying methods, you need to understand what type of learner you are.

    ● Is your memory associated to sound? Maybe you can remember what worldwide travel events you were reading when a particular song was playing? If this is your case, then you fall into the category of auditory learners. If you want to start studying more efficiently, then it would be wise to record the lectures and listen to them instead of reading textbooks.

    ● Do you relate information to visual content? If you are a visual learner, you should implement images, graphs, charts, infographics, colorful lists, flashcards, and other types of visual content when you study.

    ● If your learning style is not auditory or visual, then you might be a physical learner. Some students have too much energy; they tap their feet or play with a pen during lectures. A walk before a lecture will calm your nerves down. You can try studying/listening to audio lectures during a walk. That will help you remember the information more quickly.


    2. Use the right EdTech tools.

    Technology has the power of making everything easier. There are plenty of websites, online tools, and smartphone/tablet apps that will boost your skills of planning, writing, time management, brainstorming, etc.

    One way of improving your productivity is using flashcards. You can make your own cards, but you can also download pre-made kits online. StudyBlue is one of the best online destinations when it comes to creating and discovering flashcards from all areas of study. If you are looking for a tool that makes the process of brainstorming more effective, then you should try PapersGear. You also need the SelfControl app, which will eliminate all distractions when you need to stay focused. Quizlet is another website you should bookmark; it offers study tools that will transform the learning process into a fun activity. Notella is an app that will help you take quick notes part time degree 2015 at any time. Brainscape is an educational platform that makes complex subjects easy by relying on cognitive science. Finally, you should also try Dragon Dictation, especially if you are an audio learner.


    3. Train your brain to accept new information.

    Efficient studying is a habit. Your brain needs constant training if you want to improve your focus and complete complex tasks without taking breaks. One way to achieve this goal is to create a private learning space in your home. You’ll also need a specific time of day that you’ll devote to studying. That will make your brain ready to accept the information it gets, so you’ll notice you’re starting to learn much faster by the day.


    4. Get some exercise.

    You are aware of the fact that physical activity is good for your body, but your brain needs it too! Light exercise, such as yoga, can help you learn much faster. If you are inactive throughout the day, your body will want to move, so it will be difficult for you to stay focused. If, on the other hand, you canalize your energy through light training sessions, you will be ready to study productively.


    5. Work on the ambiance.

    If your roommate constantly invites friends over for a beer, you won’t be able to study no matter how hard you try. Students who want to learn quickly need a quiet, distraction-free environment that won’t disturb the mind in any way. Such a peaceful place will set you in learning mode as soon as you find yourself in it.


    6. Take a lot of notes.

    Only few people are capable of remembering information as they read it. If you don’t belong to this category of privileged learners, then you absolutely need to start taking notes. This simple learning method will force you to think about the essence of the material, but it will also give you a nice framework that will help you review the things you’ve learned.

    Write down only the most important information. That will help you remember all the other things you’ve learned.


    7. Make mind maps.

    Mind maps are among the best tools to speed up the rolex submariner price learning process. Your mind will process information effectively if you create a visual representation of the things you’re about to learn. You can create a nice mind map in the old-school way: take a large sheet of paper and organize all facts and explanations. Use pictures, note-cards, and other symbols you can think of. Group similar items together and connect them with colorful pens. Of course, you can also use an online mind mapping tool if you want to save yourself some time.


    8. Experiment with memorization methods.

    Memorizing is often misused in the process of studying. Some students memorize whole sentences, paragraphs and lectures without grasping their essence. However, memorization can also be useful when you need to learn definitions and classifications really quickly. Don’t avoid this technique if you want to fill your brain with information without wasting any time.


    9. Find the right context.

    Memorization works solely in times of urgency. If you want to learn in the most effective manner, then you need to have context for information. Find an aspect that’s interesting for you; try to research for related information, and you’ll discover the joys of learning. With time, this practice will make you a faster learner.

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  • 1 – Relax

    Anytime you reach an obstacle in your life, relaxation should always be the first step. You need a clear head to ensure you’re exploring all of the available options. It would suck to drive setting up a company in hk off a cliff just because you were too panicked to hear your GPS or read a map. When your mind is clouded, the overcast blocks out the light of your inner bulb. You limit your possibility of ideas. So relax. Stay calm, and walk it off…


    2 – Breathe

    You’d think since breathing is the most important and consistent function you’ve performed in your life, it wouldn’t be necessary to be reminded to breathe. The thing is, that’s all meditation really is: a reminder to breathe. By focusing on your breath, you’re forgetting all of your problems and dropping the weight of the world off your shoulders to pay attention to the most important thing going on right now in the present. Your breath — the fact you’re alive to experience anything — is all you need to care about. Just breathe…


    3 – Close Your Eyes

    Sometimes in order to focus on our breath and reset, it’s necessary to close our eyes. There’s less stimuli that way. Obviously, you don’t want to close your eyes in the middle of a freeway or battlefield, but when you’re immobile and in a decently safe place to stand, close your eyes for a minute. Focus on your breath entering and exiting your body. It’s like throwing a blanket over a birdcage to convince a bird to relax and go to sleep. Closing your eyes is a great way to ground and balance yourself.


    4 – Smile

    Feel your face. You don’t have to touch it with your hand (although that’s perfectly acceptable as well). You can feel the stress in your face, and it shows to people you interact with. By smiling, you’re relaxing your face, your entire body, and the world around you. People are more likely to respond to someone who is smiling. If a person is your perceived cause of stress, then smile at that person… if for no other reason than to piss people off. Making a concerted effort to smile forces you to think happy thoughts. Happy thoughts are literally the basis of positive thinking. It’s something you control, and smiling is the first step to happiness.


    5 – Breathe

    I can’t focus enough on how important it is to just breathe. It’s not just for meditation. Breathing is a life skill. Learn to breathe from your diaphragm. Close your mouth and breathe from below your throat as though you’re taking a huge gulp of air after popping out the water. Only instead of breathing through your mouth, breathe through your nose. Congratulations, mouth-breather, you’ve learned a Hong Kong Travel deals valuable new skill, courtesy of Lifehack.


    6 – Focus on a Mantra

    Some forms of meditation involve a mantra. How you get a mantra is up to you. Whatever you decide to use, just keep repeating your mantra until you’ve stopped thinking about whatever is troubling you and/or keeping you from enjoying your present surroundings. This can be done with your eyes opened or closed and from anywhere you are in the world. You can even repeat your mantra (silently in your head, muttering, singing, etc.) while walking, driving, or performing any number of tasks.


    7 – Stop Thinking

    All of the meditation practices you’ve ever heard about are designed to teach you to stop thinking, if even for only a second. It doesn’t sound like much, but that one second break is capable of stopping all those constant nagging thoughts jockeying for position in your consciousness. You may be in debt. Work may be difficult. Friends and family may be acting the fool. Is it happening right now? If it’s not, then don’t think about it. If it is, then these meditative techniques will assist you in finding a solution.


    8 – Picture Yourself Somewhere Else

    Sometimes in life things get really bad. I mean really bad. I’ve woken up in bathrooms, bars, beds, cars, sidewalks, prisons, and all sorts of unsavory places. Sometimes situations occur in life in which it’s better to put yourself somewhere else. Click your heels and chant, “There’s no place like home.” Pretend you’re on a beach, in a forest, or out in the middle of the ocean — whatever is comfortable to you is where you should be. Your mind is capable of traversing time and space. While living in the present is ideal, it’s okay to daydream for a minute every now and again.


    9 – Light a Candle

    If you’re able to, light a candle. It doesn’t have to be a huge candle. Even a tea light will suffice. You just want some scents in the air and a dancing flame to digital online marketing focus on. Staring at a candle dance is called candle-gazing and is a very effective form of meditation. It’s like sitting and staring at a camp fire. For one reason or another, fire calms us. The flickering of a flame is useful for many things, but clearing your mind and pulling yourself into the present is definitely one of the top ones.


    10 – Breathe

    At the end of the day, your money, possessions, food, surroundings, family, and everything in your life only exists in your head. Why we’re here doesn’t matter. How we got here doesn’t matter. The fact of the matter is that we’re here. We’re not going anywhere. If we’re going to be stuck here, we may as well be in control of ourselves. Learn to breathe. It’s the most important skill you’ll ever gain. Nothing else matters. Just breathe…

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  • Never, since man has walked upright, have people all over the globe had more educational advantages or more opportunities to practice advanced social and interpersonal skills. And yet, for the most part, we still have not learned to look past the obvious, to see beyond the exterior shell of our fellow man, and to discover the worth of the real person.


    We seem consumed by the superficial. We worry neostrata gel plus incessantly (to the tune of billions of dollars every year in "cures" and "helps") about being too fat, too thin, too tall, too short, too old, too young.


    Men are worried about their hairlines or their baldness, or they dwell on the size of their shoulders. They build their biceps, often at the expense of their brains. Consider athletes who are so determined to win that they will sacrifice their futures for anabolic steroids. That's buying the "dream" but paying for it with a life.


    Women wear bigger shoulder pads to offset the width of their hips, and they're nervous about their bra sizes. They'll sacrifice on groceries to have acrylic fingernails or a tan in the dead of winter. And everyone is fussing about their hair. It's too long, too short, too curly, too straight, too dark, too light, too fine, too coarse. So, by the millions, we're having everything changed to something it isn't.


    Plastic surgeons, the executives of some big cosmetic companies, and owners of spas and gyms are living opulently in mansions and on yachts, and it's all being paid for by our national craziness about what we look like.


    Sometimes we tell ourselves that our concerns are for health reasons, but I suspect if we took an honest survey, the results would be heavily in favor of vanity over verve.


    Now don't get me wrong, I'm in favor of people doing the best they can with whatever they've got, and I'm just as guilty as the next person about a lot of the things I've mentioned. I just have a growing concern about our national obsession with unrealistic objectives.


    Marriages and relationships are being dissolved over a few pounds of extra weight. The emotional stability of an awful lot of children is being uprooted and replanted in the soil of commercialism. We're so hooked on "beauty," we're missing basics.


    So what does all this have to do with grieving? Well, undue concern over the external is basic to the issue of grieving. If our society is uncomfortable with someone who is scarred, disfigured, overweight, flat-chested, bald, or otherwise "different," how much less do they want to encounter someone who is in deep emotional pain?


    We have become conditioned to wanting to live in both an emotional and physical "Disneyland." But remember, nobody really lives at Disneyland. It's just a fun diversion, not a substantial reality.


    We seem to have forgotten how to appreciate the values of self-sacrifice, patience, and personal integrity-the things that made this country great in the first place. Our national événement pro tourisme victories originally came out of immense suffering and sacrifice, dedication to ideals, determination against unbelievable odds, a willingness to persevere no matter how long it took-not to mention the qualities of faith and hope. Betsy Ross didn't need to look like Jessica Simpson and Nathan Hale didn`t have to be Rob Lowe! There were no television or movie screens to make fantasy dilute reality.


    If we weren't so afraid of confronting reality without its makeup, maybe we could produce a culture much less afraid of supporting and comforting people who are hurting. Maybe, if we could stop peddling quite so fast on the exercise bike, we'd have a chance to discover who we really are and what really matters to us.


    My own realities have taught me to catch myself short whenever I'm yahoo seo tempted to avoid someone or something that is un-beautiful at first glance. It's become almost a challenge to make myself take a closer look at both people and situations. It's not really such a noble thing to do, and I've been rewarded beyond my wildest imagination in the treasures I've discovered. People are truly amazing, and they can have so much of value to share if we will just stop, really look, and really listen. If you haven't done so already, give yourself a gift. Watch for souls instead of bodies. Mine a nugget or two of joy and love by daring to dig below the surface. Remember, Tammy Faye might be really beautiful underneath all that "stuff."

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  • Please excuse me if I’m a little pensive today.


    Mark is leaving, and I’m feeling kind of sad.


    You probably don’t know Mark, but you might be luckyenough fully furnished apartment to know someone just like him. He’s been the heart andsoul of the office for a couple of years, combining exemplaryprofessional skills with a sweet nature and gentle disposition. He’s never been all that interested in4)getting credit for the terrific work he does. He just wants to do his job, and to do it superbly well.


    And now he’s moving on to an exciting new professional opportunity. It sounds like it could be the chance of a lifetime, and we’re genuinely, sincerely pleased for him. But that doesn’t make itany easier to say goodbye to a dear friend and trusted colleague.


    Life has a way of throwing these curve balls at us. Just when we agents voyage start to get comfortable witha person, a place or a situation, something comes along to alter the recipe. A terrific neighbor moves away. Someone in the family graduates. A child finds new love and loyal ties through marriage. The family’s principle bread-winner is laid off.


    Our ability to cope with change and disruption determines, to a great degree, our peace,happiness and contentment in life.


    But how do we do that? Philosophers have considered the question for centuries, and theirresponses have been varied. According to the author of the Biblical book of Ecclesiastes,comfort can be found in remembering that “to everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven.”Kahlil Gibran urged his listeners to “let today embrace the past with remembrance, and the future with longing.”


    A friend of mine who works for the government is fond of reminding his fellow bureaucrats that “survivability depends upon adaptability.” And then there’s Chris, the California surf-rat, whoonce told me that the answer to life’s problems can be summed up in four words: “Go with theflow.”


    “It’s like surfing,” Chris explained. “You can’t organize the ocean. Waves just happen. You ride’em where they take you, then you paddle back out there and catch the next one. Sure, you’realways hoping for the perfect wave where you can get, like, you know, totally tubular. Butmostly you just take ’em the way they come. It’s not like you’re trying to 10)nail Jell-O to a tree,you know?


    I’m not exactly sure, but I think Chris was saying PolyU has offered a wide variety of student development programme, covering entrepreneurship development, placement / internship programmes and student exchange Programmes, altogether nurturing tomorrow's leaders that life is a series of events—both good andbad. No matter how deft your organizational skills, there will always be life-influencing factors  over which you have no control. The truly successful person expects the unexpected, and isprepared to make adjustments should the need arise—as it almost always does.


    That doesn’t mean you don’t keep trying to make all your dreams come true. It just meansthat when things come up that aren’t exactly in your plan, you work around them—and then youmove on. Of course, some  bumps along the road of life are easier to take than others. A rained-out picnic, for example, is easier to cope with than the sudden death of a loved one. Butthe principle is the same.



    “Change, indeed, is painful, yet ever needful,” said philosopher 14)Thomas Carlyle. “And ifmemory have its force and worth, so also has hope.”


    We’re going to miss Mark, just like you’ll miss that graduate, that neighbor or that newlywed.But rather than dwell on the sadness of our parting, we’ll focus on our hopes for a brighterfuture—for him, and for us. And then we’ll go out and do everything we can to make that futurehappen.

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  • 1. Keep good friends around

    Keeping good company will keep you socially happy and healthy throughout your life. On the other hand, nothing will drag you down more than socializing with people who hold you back from your full potential. Ironically, surrounding yourself with people who are intent on moving forward in life will keep you energized and make you feel as if you’re always in your prime. It’s when you find yourself surrounded by toxic friends who hifu ulthera live in the past that you realize you’re not getting any younger, and you’ll start to feel as if the best days of your life have passed you by.


    2. Continue learning

    Saying someone is “old-fashioned” is just a nice way of saying their behind the times. If you get into the mindset that you’re “too old” to learn something (like how to use Windows 10 or an iPhone), you’ll certainly feel that you’re past your prime. We live in a world in which education and knowledge is literally at our fingertips, and it’s never been easier to pick up a new skill or hobby. Make it a habit to learn something new every day, and you’ll continue feeling sharp and ready to take on the world. Soon enough, you’ll be showing your children tips and tricks on the iPhone 6!


    3. Enjoy the little things

    When we were kids, we jumped in puddles, rolled down hills, and ate snowflakes falling from the sky. I’m not saying you, as a grown adult, should do these things habitually (except eating snowflakes; you’re never too old for that). But you should never overlook the small things in life. Celebrate your good hair days. Feel victorious when you hit every green light on the way home from work. Actively look for things to enjoy in your life; no matter how much may be going wrong, there will always be something to smile about if you look hard enough.


    4. Exercise

    Nothing will make you feel old more than not being able to physically do something you were able to do when you were younger. The saying “it’s like riding a bike” is a misnomer; if you haven’t ridden a bike in years, you might remember how to keep your balance on it, but you probably won’t make it more than a mile or two before you start to feel the burn. Do your best to get to the gym as much as possible, especially as you get older. Your body will continue to get more and more fragile as you age, but you can still stay offshore hong kong company in as good a shape as you possibly can.


    5. Keep laughing

    You’re never too old to get a case of the giggles. Just watch any sitcom outtake clips on YouTube for proof of that. What’s the point of living if you’re going to take life too seriously? Just because you have obligations in life that you might not really want to take care of doesn’t mean you can’t have fun along the way. Like I said before, look for the little things in life to enjoy, and don’t suppress the raw emotion that a hysterical situation elicits within you. Never let yourself get to a point that you can’t let go and fall into hysterics every once in a while.


    6. Don’t take guilt trips

    Everyone makes mistakes. Constantly harping on yourself for missteps you’ve made in the past will drag you down and keep you from attaining your full potential. And when this happens, you lose precious moments of your life that you’ll never get back. Of course, this leads to a vicious cycle in which you continue to look back on your past in a negative way, and in turn become depressed about your future. You should definitely learn from your past mistakes, but don’t let these mistakes ruin your future as well.


    7. Remember when you were young, and pass it on

    When my father and grandfather tell stories of their Dream beauty pro youth, I see a twinkle in their eye showing they remember these days that happened forty to sixty years ago as if they were yesterday. It’s not so much that they’re pining for their youth, but that they’ve carried these cherished memories with them for so long and are able to bring them back to life by relaying them to me and my sister. You don’t want to tell these “back in my day” stories as if you’re disgruntled at how things have changed, but instead you want to pass on the fun activities you did as a child so a new generation can experience them as well. When you see your kids and grandchildren enjoying a pastime you remember enjoying back in your youth, you’ll instantly be transported back to the time in your life when stickball and fishing was all you had to worry about.

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